Install Elasticsearch and Kibana on Windows

Since both ElasticSearch and Kibana is written in Java, its mandatory to have the current JDK installed. If not, go to this page and install the latest JDK.

Download and Unzip Packages

Verify the JAVA_HOME path

Since both tools need JDK to run, we need to verify if the JAVA_HOME path is set correctly. For this follow these steps:

  1. Under the search bar type env and click the Edit the System Environment Variables.


  1. Then click the Environment Variables option.


  1. Now, check if the value for JAVA_HOME is set to something like this: C:\Program Files\java\jdk*. The one highlighted in blue is the path for JAVA_HOME:


  1. If JAVA_HOME isn’t setup, follow these setps:
    • Copy the path for your JDK, it should be something like: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_261 (depending on the version of Java installed in your system)
    • In the Environment Variables window, click New for System Variables
    • In the field Variable name write JAVA_HOME
    • In the field Variable value paste the JDK path that you’ve copied


Running Elasticsearch

  1. Open the command-prompt (type cmd in the search bar and click enter) and navigate to the folder where you unzipped elasticsearch.

  2. Run bin\elasticsearch.bat

Elasticsearch will start on that cmd.

Note: If you wish to explicitly define the cluster and node names, please use the following command:


  1. When the cmd turns to this:


  1. Open http://localhost:9200/ in the browser. You should see something like this:


Running Kibana

  1. Open another command-prompt and navigate to the folder where you unzipped kibana.

  2. Run bin\kibana.bat

  3. When cmd turns to this:


  1. Open http://localhost:5601/ in the browser. You should see something like this:



Now everything is installed, goto this page for experimentation.